Morava Glass Studio has been creating stained glass since 1981. The studio has played a part in the restoration of various designated landmarks, along with private residences and houses of worship. We also offer custom design for the creation of new windows, decorative glass etching, and repairs.

We will gladly serve anyone in the Chicagoland area, including Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. We have also worked with several out-of-state clients and shipped their custom windows to their homes.

Summary of Project Highlights, as of 2/10/09:

  • 56 projects to date have been considered to be of Historical Importance.
  • 34 of these have been by Prairie School Architects.
  • 19 of these were done by Frank Lloyd Wright.
  • 6 have landmark status.
  • 2 have won the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Preservation.
  • 5 have won National Historic Awards.
  • 2 have won Illinois Historic Awards.
  • 4 have won Village Historic Awards.
  • 1 has won an Olmsted Award.
  • 9 projects have been featured on various Wright Plus Tours.
  • A summary of of our accreditations and awards.